The following was published as an appendix to Stevenson Macgill, On Lunatic Asylums: A Discourse Delivered on 2d August 1810, Previous to Laying the Foundation Stone of the Glasgow Lunatic Asylum, 'Published by Desire of the General Committee of the Asylum; for the Benefit of the Institution', and printed by George Lumsden et al at Glasgow in 1810:
An Account of the CEREMONY, which took place on the 2d day of August, 1810, at laying the Foundation Stone of the Glasgow Asylum for Lunatics.
The Foundation Stone of the Glasgow Asylum for Lunatics, was laid by the Honourable the Lord Provost, acting Provincial Grand Master for the Lower Ward of Lanarkshire, in presence of the Magistrates, Public Bodies, Mason Lodges, and Contributors to the Institution. At Twelve o'Clock, noon, the several parties assembled in St George's Church, when the Rev. Dr. Macgill, one of the Ministers of this City, delivered the preceding Discourse.
Immediately after Divine Service was concluded, the Procession moved down Buchanan-Street, along the Trongate, up the High-Street, along the Rottenrow, and down Taylor-Street, to the site of the Building, in the following Order:-
A Band of Music, Drums, & c.
The Town Officers, in Scarlet Uniform and Halberts,
The Magistrates, in full Dress, with their Staffs of Office,
The Town Clerks,
The Town Council, three and three,
William Jameson, Esq.}
James Whyte, Esq.} Magistrates of Paisley
Robert Hart, Esq.}
The Officers of the Barony of Gorbals
Robert Ferrie, Esq.}
David Niven, Esq.} Magistrates of Gorbals
William Mills, Esq.}
Council of Gorbals, three and three
The Beadles of the City Churches,
The Ministers of the City and Neighbourhood, in their Gowns and Bands,
A Deputation of two Members from each of the Church Sessions
The Officer of the Merchants' House
The Dean of Guild, in full Dress, with his Staff of Office
The Members of the Merchants' House, three and three
A Band of Music, Drum, & c.
The Officer of the Trades' House
The Covener, in full Dress, with his staff of Office,
The Members of the Trades House, three and three,
The Rev John Ritchie, Chaplain to the Trades' House, in his Gown,
The Colours of the late Regiment of Trades' House Volunteer Infantry, supported by Captains Meikle and Lynn, formerly of that Regiment
The Officer of the Incorporation of Hammermen
Deacon Napier, and the Master-Court of the Incorporation of Hammermen, three and three
The Officer of the Incorporation of Tailors
Deacon Ross, and the Master Court of the Incorporation of Tailors, three and three
The Officer of the Incorporation of Maltmen
Visitor Hunter, and the Master Court of the Incorporation of Maltmen, three and three
The Officer of the Incorporation of Weavers
Deacon Buchanan, and the Master Court of the Incorporation of Weavers, three and three
The Officer of the Incorporation of Bakers
Deacon Marshall, and the Master Court of the Incorporation of Bakers, three and three
The Officer of the Incorporation of Skinners
Deacon Nicol, and the Master Court of the Incorporation of Skinners, three and three
The Officer of the Incorporation of Wrights
Deacon McCallum and the Master Court of the Incorporation of Wrights, three and three
The Officer of the Incorporation of Coopers
Deacon Scott, and the Master Court of the Incorporation of Coopers, three and three
The Officer of the Incorporation of Fleshers
Deacon Scouler and the Master-Court of the Incorporation of Fleshers, three and three
The Officer of the Incorporation of Masons
Deacon Paterson and the Master Court of the Incorporation of Masons,three and three
The Officer of the Incorporation of Gardeners
Deacon Hamilton and the Master Court of the Incorporation of Gardeners, three and three
The Officer of the Incorporation of Barbers
Deacon Campbell and the Master Court of the Incorporation of Barbers, three and three
The Officer of the Incorporation of Dyers and Bonnet Makers
Deacon Cassels and the Master Court of the Incorporation of Dyers and Bonnet Makers, three and three
Mr Cowan, one of the Teachers of the Trades' House Free School, in his gown
The Directors of the Trades' House Free School, three and three
The Officer of the Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons
The Preses and Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons, three and three
The Officer of the Faculty of Procurators
The Dean and Faculty of Procurators, three and three
The Officers of Police in their full uniform
Captain Mitchell, the Superintendent of Police, with his Medal and Badge of Office
The Commissioners of Police, with their Batons of Office, three and three
The Officer of the Lunatic Asylum
The Coimmittee, the Managers, and the Contributors to the Institution, three and three
A Band of Music, Drumds, & c.
The Grand Tyler, with a drawn Sword
Two Grand Stewards, with Rods
Compass and Level, carried by two Operative Brethren
Two Grand Stewards, with Rods
Square, Mallet, and Plumb, carried by Operative Brethren
Two Grand Stewards, with Rods
Silver Cup filled with wine
Cornucopiae, filled with Corn and Corn Stalks
Silver Cup filled with Oil
Two Grand Stewards with Rods
Two Inscription Plates, carried by Operative Brethren, on one of which is incribed:-
By the Favour of Almighty God
The Honourable JAMES BLACK
Acting Provincial Grand Master of the Lower Ward of Lanarkshire
Laid This Foundation Stone
On the Second Day of August MDCCCX
And 5oth Year of the Reign of our most Gracious Sovereign
In the Presence of the Committee, consisting of
Robert Cleghorn, MD
John Craig, Esq
Robert McNair, Esq
George Rutherford, Esq
John Mair, Esq
James Cleland, Esq
William Jamieson, Esq Chief Magistrate of Paisley
And of the other Managers and Contributors to this Asylum
William Stark Esq Architect
Thomas Smith and Alexander Hay, Contractors;
Robert McNair Esq. Treasurer
William Cuthbertson Esq. Secretary
Which Undertaking may the Supreme God bless and prosper.
On the other Plate, the following inscription is engraved:-
JOHN HAMILTON, Esq. Dean of Guild
JAMES CLELAND, Esq. Convener of the Trades House
JOSHUA HEYWOOD Esq. Baillie of the River and Frith of Clyde
RICHARD SMELLIE Esq. Master of Works
JAMES SPREULL Esq. Chamberlain
ROBERT FERRIE Esq Chief Magistrate of Gorbals
His Royal Highness GEORGE PRINCE OF WALES, Grand Master of Scotland, and Patron of the Order
Hon. W. R. Maule of Panmure, Acting Grand Master
Right Hon James Earl of Rosslyn, Acting Grand Master Elect
William Inglis Esq. Substitute Acting Grand Master
John Clerk Esq and Hon Major John Ramsey, Grand Wardens
Joh Hey, Esq. Grand Treasurer
The Rev Sir Harry Moncrieff Grand Chaplain
William Guthrie Esq Grand Secretary
James Bertram Esq Grand Clerk
A. Cunningham Grand Jeweller
Alexander Lawrie Grand Bookseller
Two Grand Steward, with Rods
Three Operative Brethren, carrying three bottles filled with the gold, silver, and copper coins of the present reign, and another bottle containing an almanack for the current year, and seven Glasgow newspapers, viz. Courier, Herald, Journal, Western Star, Clyde Commercial Advertiser, Sentinel, and the Weekly Packet.
Two Grand Stewards, with Rods
Architect, with the Plans of the Building
Two Grand Stewards with Rods
The Contractors, and Mr John Weir, the Superintendent of the Work
Usher of White Rod
Bible open, carried on a crimson cushion
Usher of White Rod
Grand Chaplain, in his Gown
Grand Jeweller
Grand Bookseller
Grand Secretary with Crimson Bag
Grand Treasurer with Gold Stick
Grand Clerk with his Book
Senior Grand Warden
Junior Grand Warden
Past Grand Master
Grand Master
Depute Grand Master
Grand Steward with Rod
Master of Grand Stewards with Grand Masters Rod
Grand Steward with Rod
The other Lodges followed the Grand Lodge, conformable to the following Order:-
The Operative Glasgow St John's,
JourneymenGlasgow Operatives
Nos. Lodges from the Country.
10 Hamilton
78 Englesham Montgomery Kilwinning
112 New Monkland Montrose
146 Cambuslang Royal Arch
149 Rutherglen Royal Arch
150 Partick St Mary's
169 Shettleston St John's
170 Paisley St Marriott's
175 Paisley St James's
191 Paisley Royal Arch
193 Renfrew Prince of Wales
194 Calder Argyll
221 Airdrie St Johns's
237 Old Monkland St James's
247 Lennox Kilwinning
261 Caledonian St John's
264 St Andrew's Cumbernauld
270 Airdrie Operatives
Glasgow Lodges
28 St Mungo's
64 Glasgow Patrick Kilwinning
70 Montrose
76 Argyll
87 Thistle and Crown
129 Union and Crown
144 St Davids's
269 St Patricks's
286 Star
When the Procession arrived at the Site of the Building, the Bands played the King's Anthem, and the Rev Dr Gibb, as Grand Chaplain, gave a very suitable and highly impressive Prayer; immediately after which, the Grand Treasurer deposited the Bottle containing the Coins, and The Grand Secretary deposited the Bottle containing the Newspapers, Inscription Plates, & c. Thereafter, the acting Provincial Grand Master laid the Foundation Stone of the Asylum, with all the honours usual on such occasions, pronouncing, "May the Grand Architect of the Universe enable us successfully to carry on and finish the Work of which we have now laid the Foundation Stone, and every other undertaking which may tend to the advantage of the City of Glasgow and its Inhabitants; and may this Building long be preserved from peril and decay!" On which the Brethren gave three cheers, and the Bands played the Masons' Anthem.
The Grand Wardens then delivered to the acting Provincial Grand Master the Cornucopiae, the Wine, and the Oil, which he poured on the Stone, according to ancient custom; saying,
"May the bountiful hand of Heaven ever supply this City and Country with an abundance of Corn, Wine, and Oil, and all the Necessaries and Comforts of Life".
At the conclusion of this prayer, the Brethren gave three cheers, and the Bands played the Masons' Anthem.
The acting Provincial Grand Master then retired to the centre of the Foundation of the Building, which had been excavated upwards of one hundred feet diameter, and six feet below the surface of the ground, where he was joined by the Magistrates, the Committee, the Grand Lodge, and the Office-Bearers of thirty lodges; the Public Bodies, and the Masonic Brethren out of office, occupied the space above, which was inclosed by a guard, forming as it were a vast amptheatre, which, for grandeur and magnificence, was never equalled in this part of the country.
The acting Provincial Grand Master, then addressed himself, in an animated speech, to the Public Bodies, and the Committee of Management; in which, expressing his thanks to them in several capacities for their services, he declared the high sense which he entertained of the imporatane of this Institution; and "that among those of which this City can fairly boast, none of them, in point of view of true benevolence, will stand higher in public regard, than that of which the foundation had been this day laid.
To this, Mr. Robert McNair of Belevedere, Treasurer to the Institution, and its first proposer, made a suitable reply; in which, "in the name of the Committee of Management, most respectfully in his own name, and in the name of every unfortunate fellow-creature, whose lot may bring them under the protection of this Asylum, he returned thanks to the Lord Provost, Magistrates, and Council, of the City of Glasgow, to Dean of Guild, to the Convener of the Trades' House, to the other numerous Public Bodies and Private Individuals, who have so liberally contributed to this Institution. He returned thanks also to Mr. James Cleland, in particular, for the great personal and professional services which he had rendered - services which those only who know them, can duly appreciate. And concluded, by expressing the obligations they were under "to the Grand Lodge, the other Lodges in the City and Neighbourhood, and all those who had honoured them with threir attendance, and added so much splendour to the solemnity of the day".
The Brethren again gave three cheers, and the Bands played the Masons' Anthem.
The Procession was guarded by a detachment of 700 men from the 71st, or Glasgow Regiment, and the Argyllshire Militia. The Staff and Band of the 6th Regiment of Lanarkshire Local Militia, formerly the Trades' House Regiment of Volunteer Infantry (upwards of eighty persons), handsomely volunteered to assist in guarding the Trades' House. The propitiousness of the day added greatly to the splendour of the occasion. The Procession, which consisted of more than 2000 persons, and 240 musicians, was conducted in the most orderly manner, and reflected great credit on the attention of Captain Graham, who acted as Grand Marshal.
Although the concourse of spectators was uncommonly great, from the deep interest which all ranks took in the Institution, yet, we are happy to state, no accident occurred.
The Collection amounted to 163l. 2s.
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